Sponsor a display board!
If you would like to sponsor a display board please do so via the Arbor Parent Portal: School Shop, Display Board. Many thanks.
Priory School is excited to rebrand and launch 'Activity and Creativity Week 2025' to all students in years 7, 8 and 9. During the last week of Term 6, from Monday 14th -Friday 18th July we are planning a week of enrichment and will be offering students a wide range of activities that provide the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom or in different ways. Click here to see what is on offer.
On Monday, 13th January we welcomed Darran Saunders to Priory who gave a moving and powerful talk to all students about the importance of promoting peace and non-violence. Darran's son Connor had his life brought to an abrupt end by one senseless, unprovoked punch on 14th April 2012. Darran's inspirational message truly embodied our values of honesty, kindness and respect and helped our students understand the importance of finding courage in the face of adversity.
Last week we invited last year’s Year 11 students to a special celebratory event at The Corn Exchange, Lewes Town Hall. Joined by the Mayor of Lewes, Councillor Imogen Makepeace, this event is about looking to the future by also connecting positively with the past, as well as locating the school securely at the heart of the Lewes community. The highlight of the evening was the awarding of the Edgar Povey Trophy for Integrity and Honour, presented to the winner, Hanna Vincze, by Priory School’s first winner of the trophy, 54 years ago David Carter! It was a wonderful evening.
With huge thanks to RJW Construction and Nicola Furner Architects for our wonderful christmas tree and decorations now proudly on show in our Reception area. The tree looks fantastic and the students and staff are enjoying the festive spirit the tree is bringing to Priory!
We would like to place a real Christmas Tree in our Reception area at Priory this year. Can you help? Do you know any local businesses which would be able to donate one, along with a stand? We would then find a good home for another family to enjoy once school closes over Christmas. If you can help, please call 01273 476231 x201 (Emma) or x312 (Amanda) or email ejh@priory.e-sussex.sch.uk.
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